Thank you for considering making a donation to Meals on Wheels!
Your donation will help individuals maintain their health and independence at home.As a non-profit organization, Meals on Wheels relies heavily on donations in order to provide affordable meals to those at risk. Please help us achieve our annual $65,000 financial goal.
Donations can be made online or by cheque payable and mailed to Meals on Wheels.
General Donations: A charitable donation receipt will be mailed to you.
Designated Donations: Designated donations can also be made using the United Way payroll deduction form by simply writing in “The King’s Daughters Dinner Wagon” as our name in the Other Canadian Registered Charities section and our BN/Registration # 11898 1778 RR0001.
Giving In Memory or In Honour:
To assist you, Meals on Wheels will send a personalized card to a specified individual to acknowledge your donation on their behalf, either in memory or to honour their birthday, holiday, or special occasion.
The amount of your donation will remain confidential.
Please specify if you would like the charitable donation receipt in your name or another recipient.
Planned Giving: By remembering Meals on Wheels in your will, you can play a significant role to help guarantee our program remains available to the community in future generations. Please see our brochure for Planned Giving.
Mindy Robineau Fund …Providing for those who cannot afford
Our Client Coordinator, Mindy Robineau, passed away at the age of 26 in the fall of 2006 after a short battle with cancer. To honour her memory, we created the Mindy Robineau Memorial Fund. This Fund is used to support meal subsidies to help us ensure nobody goes without food for lack of financial resources. This Fund needs to be replenished every year and we are always looking for contributions. Please help us if you can by making a designated contribution to the Fund!
A charitable donation receipt will be mailed to you.
Employee Matching Gifts
You might be able to make your donation go farther. Many companies encourage employees to donate to their favourite charities by matching their contribution, sometimes dollar-for-dollar or more. Please talk to your employer for more information.
In-Kind Donations
In-Kind donations of products or services help us alleviate pressure on our operating budget. Additionally, we also welcome donations for door prizes or centre pieces for our annual volunteer appreciation reception.
Please call our Executive Director at 613-233-2424 to see how you can help.
Meals on Wheels Ottawa has partnered with GiveShop, a new and innovative, app-based online marketplace where users can donate and buy gently used items with all proceeds going to charitable causes like ours! It’s in-kind giving and charity-friendly shopping all in one. Learn more
During the 2018-2019 fiscal year, ending March 31st, 2019, we served 110,845 meals to 1,464 clients with the help of 428 volunteers.