The client situations below are testaments to the compassion and care that Meals on Wheels offers.
Seeing as Karen lives an hour away from Ottawa, and is unable to check in on her mom, Phyllis, daily, she is happy that Meals on Wheels is “More Than Just a Meal.” The service allowed her mother to continue living in her own home with the support of nutritious meals when she was well, and also provided the peace of mind that came with knowing someone else was also looking out for her mom.
Mrs. F
Mrs. F. began relying on Meals on Wheels when she contracted a virus which attacked her joints, leaving her unable to feed herself or walk unaided. She cannot use her right hand and has partial use of her left hand. Because she is permanently attached to an oxygen supply, she cannot go near a stove. She lives alone with her son checking in on her in the evenings and has found the hot meal deliveries to be a great blessing she looks forward to each and every day.
Mrs. & Mr. K
The K’s are in their 80’s and both are on disability pensions. Mr. K. has a heart condition. Meals on Wheels saves Mrs. K. from having to shop and do meal planning and the freedom of having prepared food on hand “takes the stress out of their lives.” They feel that the flavourful, quick and nourishing meals have changed their lives forever and helped them to remain independent within their homes. They happily recommend the service to their friends.
We hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM) every September. Contact us if you would like to attend.