Funders & Supporters

Who provides our funding?

Meals on Wheels is able to deliver upwards of 90,000 meals yearly thanks to the financial support from the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (CLHIN) and the City of Ottawa.

“Meals on Wheels Ottawa gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the City of Ottawa.”

Our Individual and Corporate Supporters

Affordability of our program to clients is made possible with the financial, in-kind and service support from individuals, service clubs, church groups, associations and corporations. Without their volunteer support, donations and sponsorship, we would not be able to reach out to help those who need our program the most.


In 2019–2020, we would like to extend a special thank you to the following supporters:

Government Support:

Service Club Donors:

Corporate Delivery Teams:

Community Delivery Partners:

Community Participation and Membership:

Meal Suppliers (and Depot):


We are grateful to the following individuals and companies for their gifts-in-kind and other support:


Did you know?

In the Fall of 1968, Island Lodge (now Garry J. Armstrong Centre) offered to provide 24 meals each day and now has the distinction of being the longest serving meal provider.